Monday, July 19, 2010

Busy Monday morning as I'm opening the Ground Level with Jesse for the first time. We had alot of business this morning and also no ice machine, lots of fun running to the carry out for ice in the middle of a smoothie order! Have just enough time to put down blog and finish start up at coffeehouse before first of week's dialysis. I'm about three and half kilo's up on my weight so it should be kinda tough treatment. When that much weight has to come off it gets a little rough. Also depends on how much "junk' in my bloodstream from the weekend. Anyways this is what I've signed up for with the new gig. Good to be busy though, and needed. Doesn't end later with dentist appts for the kids and Rose with work means I'm feeding the kids tonight. Won't rest until late, real late.

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